According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over one million Delivery Truck drivers responsible for delivering mail and packages all over the U.S. Thus, these trucks have become a very familiar sight.

These delivery trucks, also referred to as step vans, have been the cause of countless severe traffic accidents. And even though they are not as dangerous as other heavier trucks like dump trucks or semi-trucks, they still weight roughly 10,000 to 20,000 pounds—causing substantial damage to smaller vehicles and severe injuries to drivers/passengers.

The most common step vans belong to UPS, FedEx and the United States Postal Service (USPS.) These usually deliver parcels to homes and businesses and are sometimes forced to park precariously back into traffic from blind driveways, narrow streets, or parking lots. As a result, they become a risk for other drivers.

Additionally, their drivers need to meet a specific delivery schedule, and to keep up with it, they sometimes go above the speed limit, tailgate, or might even run stop signs or signals. 

More so, drivers are out on deliveries in all types of weather and work very long hours (especially around the holidays.) All of which are contributing factors that might result in unwanted accidents.

Other factors that may contribute to parcel delivery truck accidents are:

  • Inexperienced or poorly trained drivers
  • Distracted drivers
  • Overloaded cargo
  • Faulty warning lights
  • Driver drowsiness
  • And more

Thus, if you are injured or the victim of a motor vehicle accident caused by a delivery van from privately-owned companies (e.g., UPS, FedEx), you may be qualified for compensation. Hire an experienced truck accident attorney who may file a suit against the delivery company. 

If the injury was the result of a collision with a vehicle from USPS, you might still sue. However, different laws apply. For instance, you cannot file a suit against the USPS or the driver. You must sue the State under the Federal Tort Claims Act. 

Hence, to do this correctly, you (or your attorney) must file a Form 95 through the United States Post Office explaining the nature of your claim. This form must be submitted within two years from the date of the accident, and you must work with the agency to resolve the claim administratively. Then, an attorney must wait at least six months, from the date of filing, before delivering a suit. Note that that time varies depending on the time it takes to process your claim from an administrative standpoint. 

It is not an easy process. Thus, it is advisable to hire a professional that knows the ins and outs. Plus, large delivery companies, such as UPS and FedEx, will fight hard to defend themselves against any suit. They also have unlimited resources to make sure settlements are low. 

Uriarte Law has the experience and resources to stand up to corporate giants and federal agencies and will work towards attaining the most significant settlement possible.