Our Practice Areas

Uriarte Law, P.A. is a highly recognized and accomplished Personal Injury Law Firm in Miami. We take pride in achieving great results for our clients. If you have suffered an injury, are being stonewalled by your insurance company or simply need a trial attorney to fight for you, we can help.

Car Accidents

No matter the severity, car accidents should always be taken seriously. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding is the most common cause for fatal car crashes, making up 31 percent of all car accident deaths nationwide. In densely populated areas and big cities like Miami, car crashes resulting in serious injury or death are even more frequent.

Motorcycle Accidents

Serious injuries are a dangerous reality facing motorcyclists. When a motorcycle driver is involved in an accident, they are at a higher risk of suffering a debilitating injury or fatality than automobile drivers. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, approximately 80 percent of motorcycle accidents result in injury or death of the driver.

Truck Accidents

The major difference between a truck accident and a regular car accident is that truck is much larger, weighing around 18,000 pounds which is 5 to 7 times the size of an average car. For this reason, truck drivers are required to be more diligent when driving a massive truck. Big vehicles require better driving, which means more control and awareness of your surroundings

Uber Accidents

With the rise in Uber rideshare popularity there is also a rise in Uber-related accidents and injuries to both drivers and passengers. According to University of Chicago statistics, in cities where Uber is widely used, traffic fatalities have increased by 2-3% in those cities.

Bicycle Accidents

As a cyclist traveling in and around town during traffic, it is important to take precautions to avoid accidents and injury. With more than 500,000 bike accident victims admitted to the ER each year, it is no secret that riding a bike can be dangerous. Avoid biking during certain times of day, if possible, like dawn and dusk as they are the hardest times for drivers to see you. Also, using headlights, reflectors, or bright colored clothing can help you stay seen and stay safe.

Pedestrian Accidents

In pedestrian accidents, the injuries which result can be serious and often fatal. In the city of Miami, more pedestrian accidents occur than anywhere else in the state of Florida with a total of nearly 1,600 pedestrian injuries and 58 deaths recorded in 2017.

When pedestrian accidents happen as the result of an auto driver’s negligence, the responsible party should be held liable for your injuries.

Slip and Fall

Slips, trips, and falls happen often and can occur in any number of places such as malls, department stores, grocery stores, restaurants, and other public areas with high traffic. According to OSHA, about 15% of slip and falls result in serious bodily harm or death. Those statistics increase drastically among the elderly.

Premises Liability

In the state of Florida, landowners, property managers, and premises operators have a legal responsibility called a “duty of care” to visitors and guests who are on their property for regular use or business purposes.This duty includes the responsibility to warn invitees and licensees of both hidden and known dangers. For example, notifying customers at a grocery store that there is a spill on aisle 3 with a sign or blockade until an employee can tend to the hazardous condition. Except in limited circumstances, property owners do not owe a duty of care to trespassers.